RHA Innovation Forum - Future proof your business

RHA Innovation Forum - Future proof your business

21 May 2024 Posted By Richard Smith

We’re pleased to announce a new member-focused forum to help operators’ future proof their businesses.

The Road Haulage Association Transport Innovation Forum will empower our members to influence the future on the skills and advances our industry needs.

Led by key RHA colleagues, the forum will consult, educate and support the implementation of regulatory changes and future requirements. The forum will take a deep-dive into future technology and how this will shape the industry.

It will also feature members, partners and industry specialists as we work with governments and agencies on getting the best outcomes for operators.

It will support hauliers, coach and van operators with their respective needs.

The Forum may also help facilitate trials of new products and services coming to market in the freight sector.

If you would like more information about the Forum and/or would like to join, please contact [email protected]