As an operator it is your responsibility to ensure that the vehicles and trailers you use are kept in a roadworthy condition at all times. You must comply with the declaration you gave to the Traffic Commissioner when applying for your operator licence. Remember, failure to comply may result in the licence being curtailed, suspended or revoked.
Keeping your vehicles in a roadworthy condition is good for your business, good for the environment & keeps other road users safe.
Many operators are under the misconception that if they contract out their maintenance whether that be to an independent repairer or a main dealer under an R&M contract, that is the end of the matter. The reality is, regardless of who conducts the vehicle inspections whether in-house or contracted out the responsibility for the condition of vehicles and trailers rests solely with the operator.

RHA Vehicle Inspection Services provides an independent engineer who will visit your premises, operating centre or contracted provider (by appointment) to undertake a further inspection of the vehicle prior to it being put back in to service. Conducting this further inspection will ensure the work conducted is of the highest standard and that there are no unreported defects that could result in a prohibition if checked by DVSA at a roadside stop.
Using the inspection service will provide you with the peace of mind that your maintenance provision is of a satisfactory standard and is being conducted efficiently and effectively.
There are a host of other services available covering HGV’s & Trailers, Coaches/PSV’s & Vans. RHA Inspection Services also offer additional specialist inspections for tankers, lift trucks and lifting equipment