Digitalisation of ECMT permits for hauliers operating abroad – webinars this month
03 Jan 2025
Posted By Paul Mummery
The Department for Transport (DfT) advises that the process of issuing ECMT Permits for HGVs on international journeys next year (2026) will go digital.
Operators will receive a QR code and be able to log all journey details online. This means firms will no longer require a paper permit or logbook.
In the meantime, the International Transport Forum (ITF) has arranged two webinars this month (22 and 23 January) to help in-scope operators prepare for changes – details below. This is ahead of them launching a website later this year to help firms get familiarised with the new system.
The process of applying for ECMT Permits will remain the same.
Most journeys are covered by the UK Licence for the Community and/or bilateral permits. ECMT Permits will only be required for specific journeys –
- a third cross-trade journey in the EU,
- to make a cross-trade journey from the EU to a non-EU country (the non-EU country must be an ECMT member country),
- to make a cross-trade journey within the EU following an unladen journey from the UK
- or to undertake a journey to Armenia.
Microsoft Teams webinar details (you don’t need to register in advance):
Wednesday 22 January (1pm-3pm) (Meeting ID: 340 385 781 647; Passcode: jJ3GD2Je)
Thursday 23 January (9am-11am): (Meeting ID: 324 984 059 368; Passcode: eu3eD3hm)